Download Zynga Poker Bot 2011 Full Version
The newest Working Zynga Poker Bot in Zynga Poker Bot has updated the ability to read Zynga Poker "blind", so you do not have to do it manually. Zynga Poker Bot Bot2011 Zynga Poker Bot2011 was added ability to make decisions "Call", "Rise", "Call Any" and "Fold" in accordance with the state of the card on the table, even your can manage any card you want to "All in", "Rise", "Call Any" or "Fold", it makes Zynga Poker Bot 2011 can play with your own style.
Zynga Poker Bot V.4 is the development of Zynga Poker Bot by cornernote, but Zynga Poker Bot V.4
- Change "Blind" position
- Adjust the decision of the Card
- Adjust the decision of Score
- Etc
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