Hack Facebook Accounts For Free (Disclaimer) :- This guide is for education purpose only. Do not hack others Account, This is illegal and may put you behind jail and high penalty can be exposed. Learn Hacking For Good Purposes. Read Full Article.

Whenever I do chat, all friends asks me that How Can I Hack A Facebook Account. And I probably say please go through my site, And my friends gives me response that Its not working, I am not getting, All methods are old, etc !! . So I rethink and made a mind to create a new fresh tutor on the same topic, though this article is based on old tutor only but its loaded with new tricky part which most hacker apply.
How To Hack Facebook Account For Free Using New Facebook Phishing
How To Hack Facebook Account For Free Using New Facebook Phishing
2. Extract that three files on desktop and then create account on (www.my3gb.com)
3. Upload all three files to my3gb.com and so you will see something like this :
4. Now shorten (name.my3gb.com/index.html) in goo.gl every time for new victim .
4. Now, you have to send this link (goo.gl/------) to victim and make him login.
5. Once you know that victim logined via our Facebook Phishing Page check log.txt
6. In log.txt you will his/her username and password and thus he/she is hacked
Note : If you don't want to create phisher, here is the free openphisher for all
(just send above index.html link to victim and make him login and then check tha username and password in log.txt)
If you think that this is much to trap victim in our phishing net?? And the answer is a BIG NO ! . Now a days all are becoming smart and thus Hackers are also becoming smart, and Hackers hack account using Smart Phishing, also known as Scam.
How To Hack Facebook Account With Smart Facebook Phishing Technique
See the sample of Smart Phishing in below image :-
3. Upload all three files to my3gb.com and so you will see something like this :
4. Now shorten (name.my3gb.com/index.html) in goo.gl every time for new victim .
4. Now, you have to send this link (goo.gl/------) to victim and make him login.
5. Once you know that victim logined via our Facebook Phishing Page check log.txt
6. In log.txt you will his/her username and password and thus he/she is hacked
Note : If you don't want to create phisher, here is the free openphisher for all
(just send above index.html link to victim and make him login and then check tha username and password in log.txt)
If you think that this is much to trap victim in our phishing net?? And the answer is a BIG NO ! . Now a days all are becoming smart and thus Hackers are also becoming smart, and Hackers hack account using Smart Phishing, also known as Scam.
How To Hack Facebook Account With Smart Facebook Phishing Technique
See the sample of Smart Phishing in below image :-

I have included this above html file along with facebook phishing. You have to edit it a bit to replace my phishing link to yours one..
How to edit this file : First open the fake.html in Notepad and do search for "http://goo.gl/Er8JC" without quota ( their are two links, replace that both ) with your fake login link. ( You can make more changes if you are good in HTML ), Now save it and follow the below steps..
1. Go to Fake Email Sender http://emkei.cz/ 2. Now do settings according to the below image only (right click and open image)
How to edit this file : First open the fake.html in Notepad and do search for "http://goo.gl/Er8JC" without quota ( their are two links, replace that both ) with your fake login link. ( You can make more changes if you are good in HTML ), Now save it and follow the below steps..
1. Go to Fake Email Sender http://emkei.cz/ 2. Now do settings according to the below image only (right click and open image)
Note : First check this full trick on yourself for only two times and not more.
4. If all steps were right and victim logined via Facebook Phisher then you can see the password in (log.txt)
4. If all steps were right and victim logined via Facebook Phisher then you can see the password in (log.txt)
5. Thats it, this is the end of Hack Facebook Account using Facebook Phishing.
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