hack twitter software download

Twitter Jacker is the most advanced twitter account stealer. You only need to introduce the 'target' twitter name and your email and...
Voila, you will recive the password to that account on your email address. Twitter Jacker uses highly anonymous chained proxies to assure you absolute privacy. Be sure to have installed the last Net framework 2.0 patches available at http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/en/default.aspx. Enjoy and Pwn!

How to use it

It's very simple. Here's an example. If you want to hijack someone's tweeter (http://twitter.com/username) you'll do this:

Your mail: youraddress@whatever.com
Target: username


Your mail: youraddress@whatever.com
Target: http://twitter.com/username

Then hit on jack! and wait for the password to be sent to your email address. Sometimes you will need to be patient since we're getting more and more requests every day, but you will get the password 100% guaranteed. Make jokes, make money, or just pwn accounts for fun!


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