point blank hack

This is my friend I give the latest cheat again which has been tested 100% working well. This cheat I get from sharing forums and websites and blogs and I match.
Cheat Point Blank (PB) Hack Title Update 23 September 2010

Point Blank Password Cheat Files
Then after you download it follow the tutorial cheat file below:
  1. You run Geps 1.3
  2. Then you open the Start And PB Launcher
  3. Then you press select or Inject DLL and do not forget you select "HackTitleBywww.alexa-com.co.cc"
  4. After that you click Inject
  5. If it is completed would be out notice just click OK, which will go to the Forum N3 (close your yes)

To Feature yait as follows:
  • Mission Major (F12)
  • Haxk Title (F11)

Please enjoy this cheat good luck and always play Point Blank and do not forget to keep visiting here to get the cheat you want.

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