Monopoly is back at McDonalds. And to kick it off, on October 6 & 7, you can pick up a free order of large fries from McDonald’s locations in Alberta and BC by making a withdrawl from your Monopoly banker.
It’s one order of large fries per customer, per visit and only good in Alberta and BC on October 6 and 7, 2010.
I’m pretty sure my husband won’t let me take the money from his KISS Monopoly Collector Edition though, so I’m out.
For all you fans of the McDonald’s Monopoly game, you will be glad to know that you can start collecting your game pieces today.
Available at nearly 14,000 fast food restaurants, the McDonald’s Monopoly 2010 game should no doubt provide a thrill to customers. It was recently announced by the McDonald’s company that 1 in 4 of the game pieces will offer winning prizes this year.
The McDonald’s Monopoly prizes this year are definitely worth playing. Aside from the free McDonald’s food that one can win, a Beaches vacation, $5,000 WalMart shopping spree, a 2011 Ford Shelby GT500, and $1 million are all being offered to potential winners.
The McDonald’s Monopoly game will be available, starting today, through November 1.
Among some of the additional sponsors of the game are EA Sports, SpaWish, RedBox, and Snapfish.
What’s also fascinating about this year’s offering is that customers will be able to play McDonald’s Monopoly online through playatmcd.com
Serving close to 26 million customers, it is no secret that McDonald’s is one of the most established global fast food providers. The potential for this year’s McDonald’s Monopoly game is indefinite, as fans all over the world will enjoy claiming their free prizes.
For more information on the game, visit your nearest McDonald’s locationArtikel Terkait:
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